Post by Dr.Tejal DAftary, Aug 05, 2024.


Introduction: Tonsillitis or inflammation of the tonsils is a painful condition of throat, and in its chronic form it can become a source of recurring episodes of colds. With the winter or rainy season setting in According to homeopathic philosophy, such local conditions are a result of the weak immune system and almost invariably due to constitutional disturbances. The removal of tonsils does not improve these disturbances in the least. Homeopathic philosophy stresses on the necessity to study the condition of the body as a whole before one deals with tonsillitis.


Tonsils form part of the body’s defences. Their removal generally means rendering the body more susceptible for infections. Also the tonsils are a kind of indicators of the general health of the body. One might compare them to the barometer in the hall. Well, certainly one cannot improve the weather by smashing the barometer!


  • A sore throat and pain when swallowing
  • Red and swollen tonsils with pus-filled spots
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Pain in the ears and neck
  • Tiredness
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Coughing
  • Chills
  • Swollen lymph glands

Some people may develop tonsil stones,called tonsilloliths or tonsillar calculi. A tonsillolith is a calcified buildup of material in the crevices of the tonsils.

Types of tonsillitis :

Acute  tonsillitis

The duration of the disease is around Ten days or less

Chronic tonsillitis

The duration of the disease is more than Ten days, occurring multiple times in a year.

Chronic Tonsillitis causes tonsil stones, where, saliva, dead cells, and food accumulate together forming debris and hardening into small stones.

Symptoms like sore throat, halitosis, and inflamed lymph nodes are aggravated for a longer duration.

Recurrent tonsillitis

Occurs several times in a year.

More than Seven attacks a year.

More than Five attacks for consecutive Two years.

More than Three attacks a year for Three consecutive years.

Precautions :

  • Drinking plenty of fluids will prevent the throat from drying out and becoming more uncomfortable. Preferably warm drinks.
  • Gargling with saltwater might reduce discomfort.
  • Dry air can irritate the throat. Taking steam can help.
  • Avoiding irritants, such as tobacco and smoky locations, can help a person reduce symptoms.

Homeopathic Approach:

The treatment of enlarged tonsils with homeopathy has two stages in cases of long standing. Acute inflammation needs to be treated with a different set of medicines and its recurrence to be treated once the acute stage is over. Deep-acting medicines are required to treat the constitution and bring about lasting relief. It is true that this method takes a longer time, but it is also the best one because not only the tonsils are cured but also the patient.

In recurrent or chronic tonsillitis surgery is advised. But studies show that the body’s defense mechanisms tend to decrease post-tonsillectomy as they are the body’s important line of defenses. Homeopathy has always worked wonders in every case of tonsillitis and surgery has been prevented in most of the cases. Thereby improving the immunity of the patients.