Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Nov 06, 2023.


How you know if you are suffering from migraine:  Headache with visual and sensory symptoms Pain on one side Recurrent headache lasting at least 4-72 hours Nausea and vomiting Light and slightest sound bothers you



Migraines can cause severe pain at times. The most prevalent and third most often reported complaint to medical services is a migraine headache.


 Let's learn more about headache

A common neurological condition known as Migraine can be identified by a throbbing, pulsating headache on one side of the head, among other symptoms. Lights, noises, smells, or physical activity will probably make your migraine worse. It could go on for days or at least four hours. It is most of the time accompanied by an  aura.


How you know if you are suffering from migraine:

  1.  Headache with visual and sensory symptoms
  2. Pain on one side
  3. Recurrent headache lasting at least 4-72 hours
  4. Nausea and vomiting
  5. Light and slightest sound bothers you



  • Sensitivity to light, noise and odours.
  • Nausea and vomiting, upset stomach and abdominal pain.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Feeling very warm (sweating) or cold (chills).
  • Pale skin color (pallor).
  • Feeling tired.
  • Dizziness and blurred vision.
  • Tender scalp.


What triggers a migraine

  • Emotional stress
  • Certain chemicals and preservatives in food
  • Caffeine
  • Hormonal changes
  • Lights
  • Loud noise
  • Overexertion
  • Loss of sleep


Alternative management of migraine


  • Resting in a quiet, cool, and dark room.
  • Putting a washcloth or cold compress behind your neck or on your forehead. (Some individuals favour heat.)
  • Massaging your scalp.
  • Yoga.
  • Circularly applying pressure to your temples.
  • Maintaining your composure. Engaging in meditation


Migraine itself cannot be managed by popping painkillers for longer run. Here homeopathy can come at your aid it will help by managing your pain and reducing its frequency and helping you continue your day to day work.


What is aura?

It is a group of symptoms that act like a warning signals that a headache is about to begin eg:bright flash of dot, blind spot in vision, speech change, ringing in ears


Types of migraine

Migraine with aura

  1. Migraine without aura
  2. Hemiplegic migraine: neurological or sensory change in one side of body.
  3. Retinal migraine: temporary or partial loss of vision
  4. Chronic migraine: when migraine last at least 15 days a month.
  5. Migraine with brainstem aura: migraine with  vertigo, slurred speech, double vision or loss of balance.
  6. Status migrainosus : A headache that doesn’t respond to usual treatment or  lasts longer than 72 hours.


Four stages of migraine

  1. Prodrome: The initial phase can extend for several hours or even several days. It might not happen every time, so you might not experience it.
  2. Aura: The aura phase may extend to 60 minutes or to just five minutes. Auras are not experienced by most people, and some people experience both auras and headaches simultaneously.
  3. Headeache:The headache usually lasts between few hours to 2-3 days . The term "ache" is insufficient to describe the pain because it can occasionally be mild. rather, it is more accurately described as drilling, throbbing, or possibly having an icepack in your head. It usually begins on one side of your head, moves to the other, and then spreads.
  4. Postdrome:

It is usually describe as migraine hangover. Migraine can be devasting and hamper your day to day work and that’s wher homeopathy can help you .


Homoeopathic treatment for Migraines :


Homeopathic remedies for migraine are reliable, and safe. They offer effective treatment for migraine. In fact, they work wonders for acute migraine attacks or even chronic migraine. These medicines for migraine are selected as per individual case. Individual symptoms are studied in detail and the appropriate medicine is prescribed. They identify and treat  migraine at the root. Migraines with or without aura respond very well to natural homeopathic medicines.

It initially reduces the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches, later the episodes fade away without any further requirement of Painkillers.