Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Nov 22, 2023.


Normally a person’s urine is free of bacteria, viruses, or fungi however sometimes  they enter through urinary tract via urethra and once their, they multiply and cause inflammation of bladder wall causing frequent urge to pass urine, burning during urination etc. This is known as urinary tract infection i.e. UTI. A urinary tract infection is a very common type of infection in your urinary system involving urethra, kidneys and  bladder. It is most commonly found in women as compared to men. A repeated UTI or untreated UTI can cause serious damage to your kidney.


Normally a person’s urine is free of bacteria, viruses, or fungi however sometimes  they enter through urinary tract via urethra and once their, they multiply and cause inflammation of bladder wall causing frequent urge to pass urine, burning during urination etc. This is known as urinary tract infection i.e. UTI.

A urinary tract infection is a very common type of infection in your urinary system involving urethra, kidneys and  bladder. It is most commonly found in women as compared to men. A repeated UTI or untreated UTI can cause serious damage to your kidney.

Why UTI is more common in women as compared to men

  1. The urethra is (the tube that connects the bladder to an outside opening) shorter in length.
  2. Greater capacity for holding pee in women than in men.
  3. Short distance separating the anus and urethra.

What are the signs of a urinary tract infection?

  • Frequent urge to pass urine
  • Pressure in the lower part of your pelvis
  • Offensive and cloudy urine
  • Unable to hold urine
  • Burning pain while passing  urine
  • Pain (cramping) in your flank, abdomen, pelvic area or lower back.
  • Strong urge to pass urine but able to pass only few drops of urine.
  • Blood in urine.

When UTI is not treated infection can reach kidneys causing

  • Pain and tenderness in the upper back and sides
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Feeling extremely tired (fatigue).



A UTI can result from anything that reduces the amount of urine your bladder empties or irritates your urinary tract. Additionally, a number of other factors may raise your chance of developing a UTI.

  • Age (older adults are more likely to get UTIs)
  • Less hydration ( reduced intake of water )
  • Reduced mobility after surgery or prolonged bed rest
  • Kidney stones
  • A previous UTI
  • Urinary tract obstructions or blockages, like:
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Kidney stones
  • Certain forms of cancer
  • Prolonged use of urinary catheters, which may make it easier for bacteria to get into your bladder
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • Abnormally developed urinary structures from birth
  • Weakened immune system

Homeopathy for UTI

A person is treated holistically in homeopathy. It implies that in addition to the patient's pathological condition, homeopathic treatment emphasizes the patient as a person. After a thorough individualizing examination and case analysis that takes into account the patient's medical history, physical and mental constitution,the homeopathic remedies for UTI are chosen.

Homeopathy treatment consists of two steps: treating the infection itself i.e. its aim in providing relief within minutes to hour and enhancing overall health to prevent future  recurrence of urinary infections.

There is a lot of promise in homeopathy for preventing urinary tract infections.

How to protect yourself from UTI

  • Drink at least 6 glasses of water
  • Wipe yourself from front to back after urinating
  • Change tampons and pads during periods often
  • Empty your bladder shortly after intercourse
  • Wear cotton undergarments
  • Avoid tight fitting clothes
  • Practice good hygiene
  • Avoid intake of hot, oily, spicy, sour, salty, and bitter foods.
  • Alcohol and coffee should be forbidden